The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)

JOHN MORRIft Member of Select List of Ohio State Dailies. A. E. STORY, 193 World Building, New York City, Eastern Agent. The CALL has the Largest Circulation of any Paper Published in Miami County.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES. DAILY, by Carrier, per DAILY, One Year, by Mail. WEEKLY, Eight Pages, One Year, In Advance $1.50. If the CALL is not delivered regularly and promptly, we will regard it at a favor if notice ia given at our counting room. PIQUA, June 9, 1893 EVERYBODY WANTS SOMETHING.


May Circulation: (By far the largest in Miami CountyOS?" 34,152. THE lowest price of wheat for thirty years was reported in Chicago last Thursday. The low price and the heavy shipment of gold to Europe, are largely due to and preliminary to the advent of free Silver. It is imposible to violate the currency without disturbing values. THIS has been a very snug day Not a spot, nor a fleck, nor wrinkle in the great blue bowl that ia turned over UB.

Such a day is a fitting typa of the endless day that we trust may come to all our where there shall never be a cloud nor night, nor need for the light oJ the sun. No Practical Policy. Our friends, the Democrats, who went in on a high tide last November, are stranded already. They had a platform but it was all for how and sound aad bluster. There vraa nothing practical in it, nothing would aerre or satisfy the people; nothing that they could stand on and feel that it was sound foot- I They said that Protection was all vrong and that Free Trade wag the rue policy, giving the operatives in i Europe a continual advantage over American workingmen, unless they accepted their schedule of prices, when every schoolboy capable of maintaining himself in the Freshman Class, would know that such a system would build up foreign productions and ruin our own.

They said we should have Free oinage of Silver, that the Sherman Act, restricting the purchase of the uncoined metal should be epealed, thus making the coinage of silver as free as- that of gold, or opper, or nickel. But the people know, most of them, and soon will know all oi of them, that Uncle Sam cannot possibly coin silver, worth but 67 ents, aud endorse it as a dollar. Our old Uncle ip well to do in a pecuniary way, but he can no more fool with the measure of values than he can with the fundamental doctrines of the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. He might endorse a law that would make 11 inches a foot, or 34 inches a yard, or 16 ounces a pound, or 3 quarts a gallon, or 1900 a tou, or 120 feet a cord, or that meter should be less than 39.37 inches, or the teninillioneth part of the distance from the equator to the poles, but then the law, as regards the world at large, would not change the fact in either of the cases mentioned. Or if it did, then all values aa to measure of distance or weight would have to be changed so as to correspond.

The entire world would be in a muddle and not a bit of good would result. Even so would it be with any tampering with the measure of values. It would cause infinite trouble and loss, and bring not the remotest good to any man. In the case ef our Democratic friends, their policy 13 so poor that no policy is better, and that is their only refuge now. IK answer to the Cleveland Plain dealer's proposition that if the Re publicans should throw Gen.

Harrii overboard, on the 8th, that Mayor Bickham he nominated and defeat ed, the Major said: Thanks abundantly, but our eo temporaries ought to know the edi tion of the JOURNAL well enough to know that he does not play second fiddle. He prefers to sit at the head of the table when he goes into active or nothing While we think of it we would say in this connection, that when the Mayor wants to retire from the JOURNAL he would be first-class timber for Governor. A Sure Cure for Piles. Itching Piles are known by moisture like perspiration, causing intense itching when warm. This 1 ttd or xisuuv TYUCLI wttrni, form as well as Bliad, Bleedine 01 Protruding, yield at once to Dr Bosanko's Pvle Remedy, which acta directly on parts effected, absorbs tumors, allays itching and effects a permanent cure.

50 eta, Drnirjnsts or mail. Circulars free. Dr. Bosanko, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold bv Brandriff Hedgee, Piqua, 7 Th.e Crystal Anniversary of the Hound Table.

PROGRAMME. Reading of Minutes The Secretary Reading of Chronicles Miss "Like Egyptian Chroniclers, Who write of twenty thousand years." Custom of Collecting "Peter Pence." The cusroin of collecting' 'Peter pence," or "Rome scot," as it is sometimes called, is of ancient origin. If the custom is fairly understood by the outsido world, it consists of setting aside one day out of each year for taking up a collection of money (not necessarily pennies) to bo sent to the pope at Rome, who is supposed to use it hi defraying the expense of the holy see. Chamber? "Book of Days" and Brand's "Popular Antiquities" neither mention the custom, but I have succeeded in tracing it hack to tho twelfth century for a certainty. One authority even goes so far as to ascribe its origin to Ina, king of the west Saxons, who went to Rome in the year 721 and founded a hospital lish pilgrims to tho saored city, the expenses to be defrayed by "each mayk- adult" giving one "small copper coyne each yeare." This mighty collection of pennies was forwarded direct to the pope.

Other-claim that the honor of originating tho Peter pence scheme is due toEthelwulf At a very early date (the most laborious research fails to locate these things as far aa the year, month and day ara concerned) the copper penny clause was changed until tho tribute was understood to consist of a "silver penny" to be contributed by every family who possessed land or cattle of a yearly value of 30 pence. This probably means upon which a yearly tax of 30penoe was Louis Republic. Things Worth Remembering. When you feel a kind of goneness about the stomach it is a sign that your food does not sit well and that you are about to have a fit of indigestion. When you begin to feel nervous and are unable to sit still comfortably; when your clothes suddenly seem to lose their fit and become too tight in places, the fit of indigestion is surely upon you.

When this fit of indigestion is repeated from day to day it finally resolves itself into dyspepsia. Remember that three to ten of BRANDRETH'S PILLS will cure the worst case of indigestion or dyspepsia, or both, and that a regular course of them, say two every night for a week or ten days, will act as a preventive of either complaint BANQUET. "There never was a banquet so sumptuous, But floioe one sat 111 at it." Proverb. 0 1 The Columbian Guest "From the foure corners of the worliie doe nast -Du JSartas Response Jones oast The Woman's Century Lady with a Lamp shall Btand, In the great history of the land." Filamena. Response Miss Battelle Toaut The Pine Knot versus Electricity a 'Twos a light that made Darknens itself appear, A thing or comfort." Curse of Kehama.

'-Kveu the night shall be light about me," Psalm CXXXIX. Respome Ramsey Toas The Crystal ear yearly course that bringa this day about, Shall never tsee It but a holiday." Jotin If I. I. Response Mrs. Patterson No merrier crowd of knights and ladies ever gathered round King Arthur's table, than assembled, Friday evening, June the second, eighteen hundred arid ninety-three, at the Castle Hall of Bir Clarrus and Queen of East Land, to celebrate with toast and good cheer, the fifteenth Annual Banquet of the Round Table.

The castle walls were hung with flowers of white and yellow. The cordial welcome of the host and hostess and the interchange of pleasant greetings made every one feel that it was a compliment and pleasure to be of the favored number. Sir Torys, as presiding officer, in a dignified and courtly manner called the members to order and Lady Guendoien reported the minutes of the last meeting. The Lady of the Lake then read the chronicles of the Round Table for the year just closed. The events therein recorded were of great and worthy deeds such only as become the members of King Arthur's followers.

The doors of the Banqueting Hall being thrown open, The Princess announced the feast prepared. The knights and ladies seated at the table round, freely and enthusiastically expressed their delight in tne beauty before them. Around the inner circle of the table were fifteen crystal candlesticks with waxen candles. These were festooned with ropes of smilax. In the center a beautiful lamp with yellow shade added its glow to the soft light of the candles.

Over Ithe snowy cloth were scattered yellow blossoms of the abutilon and the same flower together with dainty white programs tied with yellow silken cord served as favors at each plate. The colors of the club were followed out even, in the viands that were served. The whole effect was a perfect harmony iu white and yellow. Liitle Neck Clams Radishes Olives Salted Almonds Swedish Timbales Brown and White Bread Smoked Peppermint Confections Egg MayonaiBc Cheeze Straws Ice Cream AnscelB Food Cake Kissos Coffee Lemonade At the close of the feast, Sir Torys arose in his place and announced the first toast. Sir Gorlois in his response told well the story of Dame Columbia.

How jjho was discovered aud how she sent her heralds to the four corners of the earth and spake thus to the nations of the world: "Twice two hundred years have faded Centuries four have joined the ages Since Columbus sailing westward Found nnd gave me to the nations; I would celebrate my birthday. By my inland sea so mighty Michigau.tuy land locked ocean, hare built a great "White City" By my good town of Chicago Lo, its doors are standing open For the world at large to enter, Come ye denizens of Europe Briton, Spaniard, Russian, German, Come ya Turk and come ye Tartar Uottentot, Moor and Ashantee, Fijian and Australasian, Argentine and Patagonian Let the earth make merry with me I would make but one exception (For the line must be drawn somewhere) The Chinese are not invited." The good dame heps them to bring their treasures, works of art and all inventions. "All that's rare and all that's curious Bring them all unto The Grand Duke. Veragua, the Infanta Eulalie, John Bull, the Turks, Frenchmen, Scandinavians, Amazons from far Dahomey, Esquimaux from Nova Zembla "All came flocking to Chicago." From far Bagdad came a Persian 'Quoth he Oft in my childhood Was I told of All How the Forty he slaughtered, Much I think the tale a myth That they all escaped his vengeance They are all here In Chicago Keeping World's Fair boarding houses." All nations were reprenented except the noble Bed man who thought Columbus shoald have had better manners and should have stayed at home until he was invited to come over and discover thorn. The modest and retiring Bir Gorluia aat down midst the clapping of haivJa and shouts of approval.

Lady Gyneth responded in a most womanly way to the next toast. She spoke of the position that women had attained in thig, 'The Woman's Century'and of her future and inter- sperced her remarks with stories that were brief and to the point and referred to the influence of the recent Congress of Representative Women. She expressed the confidence that women in the coming years woald prove to be shining lights in the history of the land. Sir who vras to amwer to the next toast was unavoidably absent. The members of the Kound Table had the pleasure of listening to an old time fellow Knight Bir Galahad, who had come from the West and was with them on this occasion.

All were glad to welcome him again and enjoy his bright and entertaining thoughts on "The Rambler" which subject Sir kindly sprung upon him without warning. Lady Editha gave her listeners some very beautiful thoughts on their Crystal anniversary. She likened the members of the Bound Table to the perfectly cut facets of the finest crystals, whose clear pure faces reflected only noblesantimeuts and chivalrousSdeeds. With this toast the program ended and tho kuig-hts and ladies lingered round the charmed board as loath to quit BO beautiful a place, congratulated eachother upon the delightfulness of the occasion and ex- presseed their thauks over and over again to those who had made so great a pleasure possible. "But I was first of all the kings who drew The ItuiKhthood errant of this realm ana all The realms together unde me, their Head, In that fair Order of my Table Round, A glprioui company, the flovrer of men, To serve as model for the mighty world, And be the fair beginning of a time." LADT BIENSANT, Deserving Praise.

We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr.King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price if satisfactory results do not follow their 'use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Brandriff Hedges, Druggists.

Dr, M. J. Davis a prominent physician of Lewis, Cass county, Iowa, has been actively engaged in the practice of medicine at that place for the past thirty-five years. On the 25th of May, while in Des Moines en route to Chicago, he was suddenly taken with an attack of diarrhoea. Having sold Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for the past seventeen years, and knowing its reliability, he procured a 25 ceut bottle, two doses of which completely cured him.

The excitem- nt and change of water and diet incident to traveling often produce a diarrhoea. Every one should procure a bottle of this Remedy before leaving home. For sale by Brandriff Hedges, Druggists. Mixed. A little misunderstanding due to Town Clerk Charles N.

Msj-sh's absorption in the aog taxing business happened in Hingham the ether day. A young man walked bashfully into his offioe, and when his turn came he huskily asked Eingham's veteran town clerk for a license. "What asked Mr. Mareh, The young mau gave-his name, and the clerk wrote it down on a dog license. "What breed, age and color is the next fjuestion.

"I didn't know you had to tell that," jaid the young man. "Have to do that in order to identify them," said Mr. Marsh. "But Mrs. knows her.

She has worked there a long time." "Eh, what's that?" said the clerk. "Why, we think of getting married," whispered the young man. ilr. Marsh's statehouse friends think it was strange that he couldn't spot that sort of a customer at first Globe. Cruelty.

"If your baby does not thrive on fresh milk, toil it." "Oil, doctor, you are too severe. Why not spank Witli Malice Aforethought. R. A. yer guarantee dis yah watch o' a yeah? but not against accidents R.

A. you gib me a new one. I busted it obah Sam Johnsing's head, an dat wa'n't no accidant, sah. I done hit a She Did Not "Phase" Him. Young Woman (in car, to Fogg, whc offers to sit beside seat is en- gajfed for a gentleman, gir.

Fogg (sitting down with easy assur very kind in verj flattering Transcript For those in whom baldness has already begun, through no weakness oi the general system, thorough brashine of the hair several times a day will be beneficial. The hair should be bruabed from the summit in all directions. Fishes are without eyelids, properly BO called, and as the eye is at all washed by the surrounding water thai gland which supplies moisture to the eyt is not requires and therefore does no 1 exist. There are 20,000 Swiss residents in the chief cities of the United of them in New York. They are numerous in St.

Louis and San Francisco. Few are in Baltimore and Boston. The -women of the old dramas and the old novels arc not more womanly wom- than the tax paving, self supporting of modem W. Cnrfcis- CHAS. B.

FIDLAR. CIVIL ENGINEER.5I7 BROADWAY REAL ESTATE, BENTING AffB COLLECTING AGENT. City and country property for Sale, Rem or Exchange. Deeds and mortgages ts NTnt. The Finest and Largest Line of Spring' Clothing in Miami Co.

to select from, at the People Clothing Store, ED, PENCE. P. S. Special low prices this week. GasjjEngine For Sale, Cheapest Power in the World.

Inquire at this Office. Every Woman Sometimes needs a abio monthly medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PI ,8.. Arc prompt, safe co.rtain in result.

Tlio ponu- Itic real's, never disappoint. Sent anywiiera il.OO. Pcnl Medicine Co Clerelnncl, O. For sale by C. G.

Piercy, Druggist. FROMM'S PALAIS ROYAL. THE BEST PLACE IN THE CITY Novelties in Jewelry, Hair Ornaments, Pocket Books, Card Cases, Purses, Bags, Fine Soap, Perfume and Powders, Toilet Sets Combs, Brushes, Pictures, Photo Frames, Wall Pockets, Writing Tablets, Pens, Pencils, Ink and Mucilage. Clothes, Shoes, Gloves and Feathers Cleaned and Dyed Also in stock, Clark's O. N.

T. Spool Cotton and Brooks' Machine Cotton. Orders taken for Roth's Gloves. SPECIAL NOTICE. Special Sale Sterling Silver Thimbles, 25 and 50 cents.

Oar Ladies' Hair Dressing Parlor- is now open. Bangs trimmed in the: A A latest style. Give ns a call, and you? FROMM PALAIS ROYAL, will surely go away pleased. ScOtt-Slauson Block, PIQUA, OHOI..

The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.