Third Khilafat (1970-1979) - Jalsa USA (2024)


14 February 1970

Missionary Maqbool Qureshi returns to Rabwah, Pakistan after serving the Ahmadiyya Community, USA for two and half years. Missionary A.R. Bengalee assumed the responsibility of missionary in-charge. (Al-Fazl, 17 February 1970, p. 1)

5-6 September 1970

The Twenty-Third Annual Convention of Ahmadiyya Community was held on 5-6 September 1970 at Dayton, Ohio. More than 300 delegates from different parts of the USA and Canada attended the convention.

Two inspiring messages of Wakil-ut-Tabshir (director of foreign missions) Rabwah and missionary Major Abdul Hameed were read.

A consultative meeting of the presidents and missionaries was also held to discourse and devise ways and means for the improvement of the financial condition and stepping up propagation. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, August-September 1970, Vol. VIII, No. 8. pp. 2-4)

9 February 1971

Missionary Qureshi Maqbool Ahmad returned to Rabwah on 14 February 1970. (Al-Fazl, 15 February 1970)

He was back in the US on 9 February 1971 and was stationed in Washington D.C. assuming the responsibilities of the Secretary of the mission from Syed Jawad Ali. He acted as missionary in-charge after missionary A.R. Bengalee passed away. He made Dayton as temporary headquarters.

(The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, January 1968, p. 3)

April 1971

Approval was received from the Center of the appointment of the following Khuddam as Nazim (Secretary) of the listed departments. Brother Munir Hamid of Philadelphia—Enrollment & Publication, Brother Al Nur Ghazali of New York—Finance, Brother Abdul Raheem Zafar of Dayton—Education & Instructions, Brother Jameelur Rahman of Pittsburgh—Propagation (Tabligh), Brother Abdul Karim Chicago—Social service, Malik Abdul Mannan, Philadelphia-Dignity of labor, Bashiruddin Usama, Detroit--Health & Hygiene and Lateef Ahmad of St. Louis—Atfal (Children) (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, Apr-May 1971, p. 8)

3-5 September 1971

The Twenty-Fourth Annual Convention of Ahmadiyya Community was held at Washington D.C. on 3-5 September 1971. Message of Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) was read by missionary in-charge Chaudhri Abdur-Rehman Khan. Delegates from different parts of the USA and Canada attended the convention. (Tahrik Jadid, November 1971, pp. 13-14, Tarikh Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 27, pp. 244-5)

15 September 1971

An Attempt on Mirza Muzaffar Ahmad's Life

Third Khilafat (1970-1979) - Jalsa USA (1)

Aslam Qureshi, lift operator, an employee of Capital Development Authority (CDA), Pakistan Qureshi attempted to stab Mirza Muzaffar Ahmad (M. M. Ahmad, son of Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad) inside the Finance Ministry.


Missionary Maqbool Ahmad Qureshi returned to the US and was stationed in Washington D.C. as missionary in-charge. He presided over a meeting in which it was decided that was presided over by Khadim’s schemes shall be carried out through the Qa’ids. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, January 1972, p. 3)

7 January 1972

The executive committee of National Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya held its meeting at Dayton. Following attended:

Brother Abdur Rahim Zafr, Mu‘tamid and Nazim of education and enrollment, Brother Munir Hamid of Philadelphia—Nazim of propagation, Brother Dhul Waqar Yaqub of Troy Ohio—Nazim of propagation, Brother Abdul Karim of Chicago—Nazim of Social Service, Brother Jameel-ur-Rahman of Pittsburgh—Nazim Tahrik Jadid, Brother Basharat Ahmad Sabur of Milwaukee, Nazim of Trade and Industry and Brother Lateef Ahmad of St. Louis—Nazim of Dignity of Labor. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, Vol. XI, No. 1, January 1972, p. 3)

16 May 1972

Ilness of A.R. Bengalee

Missionary in-charge A.R. Bengalee had a stroke in January 1972 and Missionary Maqbool Ahmad acted as Missionary in-Charge. He had another stroke after 4-5 months and died on 16 May 1972. His body was flown to Pakistan. (Al-Fazl, 21 May 1972)

19 May 1972

Funeral Prayers for A. R. Bengalee

Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) led the funeral prayer of missionary A.R. Bengalee who died of a stroke in the USA on 16 May 1972. He was buried at the Bahishti Maqbarah, Rabwah. (Al-Fazl, 21 May 1972)

1-3 September 1972

The Twenty-Fifth Ahmadiyya Annual Convention was held at Lake Forest, IL on 1-3 September 1972.

Majlis-i-Shura was also held.

The tour of Zion City was arranged by the Jama'at for Ahmadis participating in the convention. (Tarikh Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 28, p. 144)


Lajna Ima’illah 50th Anniversary

Lajna Ima’illah USA completed 50 years of existence this year. They arranged a Commemorative Program at the 25th Ahmadiyya Annual Convention of the USA. (Tarikh Lajna Ima’illah, Vol. 4, p. 53)


St. Louis Jama'at Acquires House

St. Louis Jama'at acquired a house at Pine Lawn and was used as a mosque. It was known as Sadiq Mosque. Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IV came here in 1987. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, Vol. 73, Nos. 10-12, Vol. 74, Nos. 1-9, p. 454)

28 January 1973

Third Khilafat (1970-1979) - Jalsa USA (2)

Major Sharif Ahmad Bajwa assumed the charge of missionary USA from 28 January 1973. He remained missionary in-charge from 28 January 1973 to 20 July 1974. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, July 1973-General File America 1972-74, p. 329)

14 April 1973

Mian Muhammad Ibrahim Jamooni Arrives

Third Khilafat (1970-1979) - Jalsa USA (3)

Mian Muhammad Ibrahim Jamooni arrived in New York, USA on 14 April 1973 and took charge of Dayton Mission House on 25 April 1973. (Urdu Biography of Mian Muhammad Ibrahim)


Missionary Major Sharif Ahmad Bajwa appointed the following gentlemen to look after the religious needs of Correctional Institutes. With the cooperation of the Government authorities, they will form Jama'ats and organize lectures beneficial to the inmates. Chairman: Abdur Rahim Zafar, Members: Balal Abdullah, Yahya Abdullah, Abdul Raqib Wali. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, July 1973, p. 3)

12 August 1973

Maulawi Muhammad Siddique Shahid Arrives

Third Khilafat (1970-1979) - Jalsa USA (4)

Maulawi Muhammad Siddique Shahid reached Washington D.C. on 12 August 1973 and assumed the charge of propagation work. He was missionary in-charge from 20 July 1974 to 9 September 1977. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, Vol. 73, Nos. 10-12, Vol. 74, Nos. 1-9, p. 25 and p. 68)

31 August-2 September 1973

The Twenty-Sixth Ahmadiyya Annual Convention was held at Lake Forest, IL on 31 August to 2 September 1973. Sahibzadah Mirza Muzaffar Ahmad delivered the inaugural address. Majlis-i-Shura was also held. (Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA, 50th Jalsa Salana, June 1998, p. 23)

20 July 1974

Sharif Ahmad Bajwa Leaves

Missionary in-charge Sharif Ahmad Bajwa left the USA on 20 July 1974, and Maulawi Muhammad Siddiq Shahid took over the charge from him as missionary in-Charge. Maulawi Muhammad Siddique Shahid was missionary in-charge from 20 July 1974 to 9 September 1977. (General file USA 1974, p. 329 and 390, the Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, Vol. 73, Nos. 10-12, Vol. 74, Nos. 1-9, p. 42)

30 August to 1 September 1974

The Twenty-Seventh Ahmadiyya Annual Convention was held at Wheelock College, Boston. Mass. Sahibzadah Mirza Muzaffar Ahmad presided. (The Muslim Sunrise, 1974, Vol. XLI, No. 3, p. 1)

7 September 1974

Ahmadis Declared “Not Muslims”

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Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, fourth President from 1971 to 1973 and ninth Prime Minister of Pakistan from 1973 to 1977, declared Ahmadis “Not Muslims” on 7 September 1974 by the second amendment to the constitution of Pakistan.

30 September 1974

Third Khilafat (1970-1979) - Jalsa USA (6)

On September 30, 1974, Sister Mubaraka Malik met President Gerald R. Ford of the United States at the White House, as a Congressional Candidate for Wisconsin’s fifth district, and presented President Ford a copy of the Holy Qur’an. President Ford acknowledged her gift and thanked her saying that he would read it. She had accepted Ahmadiyya Islam in 1946 with her husband. She belonged to Lajna Ima’illah Milwaukee. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, Vol. 72, April-September 2020, p. 93)


Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) announced the Hundred Year Centenary Jubilee Fund in 1974 and asked members of the Jama'at to contribute generously so that the Jubilee could be celebrated with dignity and honor.

The US Jama'at pledged to pay $390,000 for the Hundred Year Jubilee Fund initiated by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) in 1974.

US Chapters came forward and contributed generously. Some friends donated $10,000. Missionary Sharif Ahmad Bajwa toured different chapters and collected an amount worth $390,000. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, March 1975, p. 2)

8-9 February 1975

Majlis-i-Shura USA was held in Washington on 8-9 February 1975. A representative of US Jama'at missionary, Br. Rashid Ahmad American was sent to attend Central Majlis-i-Shura Rabwah in 1975.

Amirs of US Chapters met at Washington D.C. on 8-9 February 1975 with Muhammad Siddique Shahid, Missionary in-charge in the chair. Following chapters participated:

Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, New York, Teaneck, New Jersey, York-Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Dayton, Detroit (Rahman Karim substituting), St. Louis, Waukegan, Athens, Milwaukee and Portland OR (Brother Khalil Ahmad of Boston), Col. ‘Ata‘ullah of Lahore, Pakistan, on casual visit, participated on request.

It was decided that the Ahmadiyya Gazette be published once a month. Amirs should collect the annual subscription of $5 for the Gazette and quarterly Muslim Sunrise and send it to the Washington Mission. Illustrated history of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam USA will be published by the next National Convention (Aug 30-Sept 1, 1975), for which photos and articles will be sent to the Editor by 31 May 1975. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, March 1975, p. 4)

25 May 1975

A special meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors was held on 25 May 1975 at Washington Mission HQ with missionary Muhammad Siddique Shahid in the chair. The missionary Midwest circle, Muhammad Ibrahim, the National Amir, Rashid Ahmad American, National Financial Secretary, Munawar A. Saeed and the Midwest Regional Amir, Bashir Afzal attended. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette, June 1975, p. 1)

29 to 31 August 1975

The Twenty-Eighth Annual Ahmadiyya Convention was held at Wilberforce Central State University Campus, Ohio. (Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA, 50th Jalsa Salana Souvenir, June 1998, p. 25)

26-28 December 1975

Forty-three members from the USA attended the 1975 Annual Convention at Rabwah and it was the largest delegation ever from the US. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, Vol. 72, April-September 2020, p. 93)

At the annual convention at Rabwah, Pakistan, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) announced six scholarships one each for England, USA, Canada, and Indonesia. Jama'at shall accept responsibility for two scholarships for Ghana. (Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, Vol. 72, April-September 2020, p. 122)


Masud Ahmad Jhelumi Arrives

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Missionary Masud Ahmad Jhelumi arrived in Chicago in 1975. He was posted in New York where he was a missionary for three years.

He returned to Pakistan on 12 December 1978. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, Vol. 73, Nos. 10-12, Vol. 74, Nos. 1-9, p. 43-44)


Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya USA started “Tariq” as a national magazine. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette, USA, Vol. 72, Nos. 10-12 and Vol. 73, Nos. 1-9, October 2020-September 2021, p. 246).

9 January 1976

A US Ahmadiyya delegation consisting of forty-one men and women attended the Annual Jalsa Salana held on 26-28 December 1975. Khalifatul-Mash III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) delivered a Friday Sermon for the delegation. He advised them to strictly follow the straight path to attain righteousness. (Khutbat-e-Nasir, Vol. 6, p. 279, Islam International Publications UK)

6-7 February 1976

Amirs took the following decisions during a meeting held under the guidance of missionary in-charge, Muhammad Siddique Shahid Gurdaspuri, on 6-7 February 1976:

Subscription of the Ahmadiyya Gazette be increased from $5 to $7.

Suitable piece of land to be obtained for building a mosque at Zion.

Brother Rashid Ahmad was elected unanimously as National Amir.

Missionaries Masud Ahmad and Mian Muhammad Ibrahim are required to look after the Jama'ats in the East Coast region, Midwest and Lakes respectively. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, March 1976, p. 3)

March 1976

The Muslim Sunrise lists the following chapters in the US in its March 1976 issue: Athens OH, Baltimore MD, Boston MA, Concord (San Francisco) CA, Cincinnati OH, Chicago IL, Cleveland OH, Dayton OH, Detroit MI, Indianapolis IN, Jackson MS, Kenosha WI, Los Angeles CA, Milwaukee WI, New York NY, Philadelphia PA, Pittsburgh PA, St. Louis MO, Streamwood IL, Trenton NJ, Teaneck NJ, Troy OH, Washington D.C., Waukegan IL, York PA.

A meeting of Amirs was held in Washington D.C. and missionary Shahid was in the chair. Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, New York, Teaneck, New Jersey, York-Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Dayton, Detroit (Rahman Karim substituting), St. Louis, Waukegan, Athens, Milwaukee and Portland OR (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, March 1976, p. 3)

10 March 19

Hazrat Khalifat-ul-Masih III gave a comprehensive plan to accelerate the preaching of Ahmadiyya Islam in the USA. He advised Jama‘at Ahmadiyya USA to publish fifty thousand folders and distribute them as per his instructions. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, Vol. 72, April-September 2020, p. 94)

Missionary In-Charge Muhammad Siddiq Shahid Gurdaspuri dispatched thirty books to Congress Library in Washington on 10 June 1976 which included five copies of English Commentary of the Holy Quran. (Urdu Memoirs of Muhammad Siddique Shahid Gurdaspuri, p. 91)

4 July 1976

Bicentennial of the United States

The United States celebrated 200 years in July 1976. Muhammad Siddique Shahid Gurdaspuri sent a congratulatory letter along with Ahmadiyya literature to US President Gerald Ford. He also wrote a letter of congratulation to US President Jimmy Carter in 1976. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, Vol. 73, Nos. 10-12, Vol. 74, Nos. 1-9, p. 42)

25 July 1976

Khalifatul-Masih III Arrives in Washington, DC

Third Khilafat (1970-1979) - Jalsa USA (8)

Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) arrived in Washington on 25 July 1976. It was the first tour of Khalifatul-Masih in the USA. The visit to Washington D.C. was from 25 to 31 July 1976. He addressed eleven press conferences, addressed eleven receptions, and delivered three Friday Sermons during this tour. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, December 1976, p. 6)

26 July 1976

Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) had a meeting with Amirs (Presidents) at the residence of Sahibzadah M.M. Ahmad in Washington D.C. Sahibzadah M.M. Ahmad hosted a dinner at World Trade Center USA in honor of Khalifatul-Masih.

27 July 1976

Two journalists, Lavonia Perry Marie representing a local radio station and John Novotney of Religious News Service, interviewed Hadrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul-Masih III. [USA Khilafat Centenary Souvenir (2008), p. 127]

30 July 1976

Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) delivered Friday Sermon at the Fazl Mosque, 2141 LeRoy Pl. N.W., Washington, D.C. on 30 July 1976. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette, USA, Vol. 72, Nos. 10-12 and Vol. 73, Nos. 1-9, October 2020-September 2021, p. 95).

1-4 August 1976

Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) spent four days in Dayton, Ohio. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette, USA, Vol. 72, Nos. 10-12 and Vol. 73, Nos. 1-9, October 2020-September 2021, p. 12).

4-6 August 1976

Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) remained busy around New York areas during this period. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette, USA, Vol. 72, Nos. 10-12 and Vol. 73, Nos. 1-9, October 2020-September 2021, p. 12).

6-7 August 1976

Twenty-Ninth Annual Ahmadiyya Convention

The Twenty-Ninth Annual Ahmadiyya Convention of Ahmadiyya Community USA was held at Drew University, Madison, NJ.

Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) delivered Friday Sermon on 6 August 1976 and later delivered the inaugural address.

He also delivered the concluding address. Following are main points:

He announced ‘Leap Forward’ scheme to save our progeny and nation

Ahmadiyya schools and education program

Land for training camps

Connection with God from childhood

Preparing literature for children and converts

Sending delegates to Jalsa in Rabwah

Spiritual revival of Russia through Ahmadiyyat

All humanity to enter Ahmadiyyat

Divine nearness through moral excellence. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, December 1976, p. 6)

13 August 1976

Khalifatul-Masih III Delivers Friday Sermon

Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) delivered the last Friday sermon of his first tour to the USA at Fazl Mosque, 2141 LeRoy Pl., N.W., Washington, D.C. The visit was given coverage in the press and many guests met him. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, December 1976, p. 6)

13 August 1976

Khalifatul-Masih III Visits Dayton Mosque

Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) visited Dayton Mosque. (Al-Fazl, 30 September 1976)

22 October 1976

Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) asked Ahmadiyya Community USA to procure land in fifteen US States and establish a printing press. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette, USA, Vol. 72, Nos. 10-12 and Vol. 73, Nos. 1-9, October 2020-September 2021, p. 96).


Muhammad Ibrahim Doctor of Divinity

In 1977, Christian Churches Opelika Alabama awarded missionary Muhammad Ibrahim Doctor of Divinity. (Autobiography of Mian Muhammad Ibrahim)


Missionary in-charge Muhammad Siddique Shahid conducted the election of the National Qa’id for the ensuing 2-year period (1977).

Khuddam Officers 1977-78: Brother Yahya Sharif Abdullah, Qa’id, Brother Hajji Dhul Waqar Yaqub, Na’ib Qa’id Awwal, Brother Nasirullah Ahmad, Na’ib Qa’id, Yusuf Amin, Mu'tamid/Administration, Mubasher Ahmad, Mu'tamid/Program, Abdul Karim (Boston), Nazim Religious Training, Umar Bilal Ebrahim, Nazim Atfal ul-Ahmadiyya, Abdul Kabir Haque, Nazim Khuddam Services, Jalalud-Din A. Latif, Nazim Health & Fitness, A.M. Shamim Ahmad, Nazim Public Information, Basharat Jamil, Nazim Finance & Supply, Khalid Abdul Aziz, Nazim Enrollment & Records and Munir Hamid, National Murabbi. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, June 1977, p. 7 and October 1977, p. 7)

20 January 1977

Jimmy Carter 39th President

Third Khilafat (1970-1979) - Jalsa USA (9)

Jimmy Carter assumed the office of 39th US President on 20 January 1977. He remained US president until 20 January 1981.

President J. Carter met with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin at Camp David (Sept. 6); Sadat and Begin signed the Camp David Accord, ending the 30-year conflict between Egypt and Israel (Sept. 17). (Wikipedia)

May 1977

National Ijtima

A two-day National Ijtima of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya was held. (Al-Fazl, 9 July 1977).

27 July 1977

Muhammad ‘Abd-ur-Rashid Yahya Arrives

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Muhammad ‘Abd-ur-Rashid Yahya arrived in Washington D.C. and started working with missionaries Mian Muhammad Ibrahim and Masud Ahmad Jhelumi. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, Vol. 73, Nos. 10-12, Vol. 74, Nos. 1-9, p. 46)

1 August 1977

Third Khilafat (1970-1979) - Jalsa USA (11)

Missionary Ata’ullah Kaleem arrived in Washington on 1 August 1977 and took charge of the US Mission from Muhammad Siddique Gurdaspuri. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette, USA, Vol. 72, Nos. 10-12 and Vol. 73, Nos. 1-9, October 2020-September 2021, p. 44).

27-28 August 1977

The Thirtieth Annual Ahmadiyya Convention was held at St. Louis, Missouri. (Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA, 50th Jalsa Salana Souvenir, June 1998, p. 17)

December 1977

Mian Muhammad Ibrahim Leaves

Missionary Mian Muhammad Ibrahim returned to Rabwah, Pakistan. He served the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA for about five years (1973-77). (From autobiography of Mian Muhammad Ibrahim)

8 May 1978

Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) sent a message to the participants of the thirty-first Annual Convention. He said:

“The auspicious day will not dawn until our hearts bleed with concern, until we forsake our comforts and take our sacrifices to their maximum. The rejuvenation of Islam demands that we sacrifice our lives in its cause. On that depends the rebirth of Islam.” (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, Vol. 72, April-September 2020, p. 100)

27-28 May 1978

The Thirty-First Annual Convention of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, USA was held at Model Cities Community Center in Dayton, Ohio on 27-28 May 1978. More than 400 attended the convention.

Missionary Ata’ullah Kaleem delivered the inaugural and concluding address. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette, June-July 1978, pp. 3-4)

The honorable James McGee, Mayor of Dayton was among the visitors who welcomed Ahmadi Muslim delegates. President of Dayton, Muzaffar Ahmad Zafr delivered a welcome address. Missionary Masud Ahmad Jhelumi read messages of Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) and Sahibzadah Mirza Mubarak Ahmad, Wakil-ut-Tabshir. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, June-July 1978, p. 6-8)

June 1978

Missionary Mian Muhammad Ibrahim returned to the US after spending some months in Rabwah for another four-and-a-half-year term (June 1978-December 1982). (The Ahmadiyya Gazette, USA, Vol. 72, Nos. 10-12 and Vol. 73, Nos. 1-9, October 2020-September 2021, p. 43)

19 November 1978

Third Khilafat (1970-1979) - Jalsa USA (12)

Sayyid Mir Mahmud Ahmad Nasir took the charge of missionary in-charge of Jama'at Ahmadiyya USA from 19 November 1978 from missionary ‘Ata’ullah Kaleem. He remained in this post till September 1982. During his tenure Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) graced US soil. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, October 2021-September 2022, p. 47)


Thirty-Second Annual Convention

The Thirty-Second Annual Convention of the Ahmadiyya Movement in the USA was held at St. Louis, MO. (Souvenir USA 50th Jalsa, June 1998, p. 17)

April 1979

Missionary Ata’ullah Kaleem returned to the US in April 1979 and was posted in California (West Coast of USA) living in the San Francisco Bay Area. He worked there for one and a half years and was appointed missionary in-Charge. Then he reached Washington from San Francisco and took over the charge from Missionary Sayyid Mahmud Ahmad Nasir. (General file America 1977, p. 202 and General file America 1981, p. 38)

He started the Urdu newslwtter Al-Nur and started publishing the Ahmadiyya Gazette from San Francisco for some time. His propagational interviews were broadcasted live on Manhattan and East Saint Louis Cable TV and published in The Detroit News, Detroit Free Press. The Community Carrier, and the Canton Observer. He spoke to students at several colleges and universities. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette, USA, Vol. 72, Nos. 10-12 and Vol. 73, Nos. 1-9, October 2020-September 2021, p. 45).

4 April 1979

Bhutto Hanged

Third Khilafat (1970-1979) - Jalsa USA (13)

Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan, was hanged by then General Zia-ul-Haq, a Pakistan military dictator. The New York Times wrote on 4 April 1979: Bhutto hanged in Pakistan jail for murder plot.

April 1979

The following presidents of Jama'ats and missionaries in the USA attended a meeting with missionary in-charge Mir Mahmud Ahmad Nasir in the chair in April 1979. Muzaffar Ahmad, National President Dayton, Rashid Ahmad, regional President Milwaukee, Abid Hanif, Boston, Major Abdul Hamid, missionary East Coast (NY), Mian Muhammad Ibrahim, missionary MW and Lakes (Dayton), Muhammad ‘Abd-ur-Rashid Yahya, missionary S. East Region (Washington), Muhammad Sadiq N.J. Syed Sharif Ahmad, Concord (San Francisco), CA, Munir Ahmad, St. Louis, Missouri, Jameelur Rahman, Pittsburgh, PA, Jamil Ahmad, Cleveland, OH. Abdul Hafiz, Baltimore, Ali Razaa, Kenosha, WI, Abdul Kabir Haque, Chicago, Yahya Sharif, Dover, PA, Mubasher Ahmad, Central Financial Secretary, Dr. B.A. Munir, Athens OH. Yusef Amin, Troy-OH, Hussain Abdul Aziz, Philadelphia, PA, Abdul Mannan Malik, Willingboro, NJ, Umar Bilal Ibrahim, NY, Abu Bakr, Racine, WI and Nasir M. Malik (Vol. Pres) Detroit, MI.

Among terms discussed were the feasibility of establishing schools for children, training of American Ahmadis as honorary missionaries and prospects of holding an Int. Conf. on the Crumbling of the Cross in America in 1980. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, April 1979, p. 5)

19 June 1979

Dr. Muhammad Yusuf Khan Passes

Dr. Muhammad Yusuf Khan died after a protracted illness. He carried out activities of the Ahmadiyya Movement for several years after the departure of missionary Muhammad Din in 1925 till missionary Muti-ur-Rahman Bengalee arrived in the US. (Tabshir file)

21 October 1979

Khalifatul-Masih III (may Allah shower His mercy on him) said while addressing the concluding session at the 35th Annual gathering of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya at Rabwah Pakistan: The scheme to disseminate one million copies of the Holy Quran in the USA has already been initiated. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, November 1979. p. 1)

19 November 1979

Holy Quran for Naval Fleet Commander

Lieutenant Commander Mr. Dennis C Marvel of the US Naval Fleet arrived in Liberia on a goodwill mission. ‘Ata‘ullah Kaleem along with Mr. Mahmood Ahmad Bhatti and Mr. Muhammad Kawamay Yater presented him two sets of Quran with English translation and other Islamic literature for libraries of two ships. (Wikipedia)

November 1979

The Holy Quran in English was published in Hong Kong (1,000 copies) and the USA (20,000 copies). (Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, Vol. 72, April-September 2020, p. 99)

15 December 1979

A strong delegation of thirty-two US Ahmadis headed by Dr. Muzaffar Ahmad of Dayton, Ohio left New York to participate in the Annual Conference at Rabwah, Pakistan. (The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA, December 1979, p. 3)

Third Khilafat (1970-1979) - Jalsa USA (2024)


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