The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

caN 5 Cleveland 4 Plain Dealer. L4 VOLUME XXXV. re CLEVELAND. SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4, 1879. NUMBER 236.

-1 OUR NEW YORK LETTER. THE VIEWS OF AN EX- -GOVERNOR. Feeling in Wall Street-Beaconsfield's Prodiction--Mr. Pendleton's Great Speoch at Elentou--General Ewing's Roseate Prospects. From an Occasional Correspondent.

NEW YORK, October 2. There isan uneasy feeling here among the national banks and syndicate people as to the result in Ohio, The increase of the Greenhackers to the extent of ten thousand in one rear in Maine lends them to fear an over. production 1 of Greenbackers in Ohio this fall. The great personal popularity of General among the farmors and his devotion Boring interests causes the syndicate people of Wall and Lombard streets to fear a silent rote among that class that will elect tho General by a surprising majority. "The farmers out West," Haste remarked a prominent ex-Governor to me evening at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, "feel now more thanever that they are wronged by tho contraction and hoarding policy of John Sherman.

The farmers feel sore over the low prices for their Why, sir, this policy has cut UPcrops, WARDS OF FIVE HUNDRED MILLIONS OFF THE PRICES OF THEIR CROPS THIS YEAR THAT THEY FURNISH TO EUROPE. We are selling our corn, wheat and pork to Europe at less than the average cost to produce it and if we keep on that way for a few years longer we shall have one of the greatest panics known in financial history. It is like a merchant who lay's in an immense stork of goods on credit and then proceeds to sell them off below cost, and doing business in this way he must either go aver himself or his creditors must LORD BEACONSFIELD SEES IT. crafty Prime Minister utters a threat in his late speech at Aylesbury when he says that a high authority tells him that "UNDER ALL THE CIRc*msTANCES THE MARKETS OF THE UNITED STATES MUST BE DISTURBED ere long. Does he not point to the very condition of affairs of the coming of which General Ewing NO eloquently and untiringly, day after day, now warns the people of Ohio! The sham resumption scheme now working smoothly is founded altogether on the law of chances, and if the Rothschilds and Barings see tit to bring 011 a panic in England and send back a few millions of bonds to disturb our markets and crowd more wheat and pork into their cart-wheel dollar what is to prevent them? The prices of wheat, corn and pork are advancing now too rapidly to suit them on account of the expansion by the remonetization of silver, and nothing would please them more than to "disturb" our marlets and more hog into the dollar." And were it not for the remonetization of silver, limited as it is, and the reserve of silver dollars which would flow out in the shape of certificates in case of tight money, they could easily bring on such a disturbance.

Beacon field sees that we are selling our proluce below cost, and no country in debt as we are, can do that without bringing oll itself extreme distress and misery in the long run. But," I asked, "does not the recent statement of Secretary Sherman show a vast improvement in the condition of things between the beginning and the closing period of the financial revulsion!" The ex-Governor-' According to the Secretary's exhibit it is claimed that the corn crop of 1579 exceeded that of 1-12 by the enormous sum of 40 bushels. In a normal state of affairs that great difference should have been for the benefit of the farmers by whose toil the crop was produced. But when this crop was sold instead of yielding a result in money proportionate to the increased production, it realized OVer 8 hundred millions less than that of 1573. And this rude experience was extended al-0 to the other leading cereals.

The wheat crop of 1975 was 141,000,000 bushels greater than that of 1878: but when the returns of sales came in it was found that what may be called the short crop of sold for more than sixty millions of dollars above and beyond the long crop of 1878. lu these two crops alone there was a differonce against the farmers of more than one hundred and sixty millions of dollars, and chis ratio extended to most other agricultural products, as the farmers of the West, tax and debt -burdened, well know to their cost. The pretense, therefore, of this financial trickster, Johu Sherman, that quantity in crops will reNeve the farmer from the effects of his accursed contraction and hoarding under the sham resumption scheme and bring prosperity falls to the ground by the simple weight of truth. The additional labor in tilling the soil and the other elements which entered into the raising of crops of 1875 were so much loss to the farmers as compared with 1873.7 not the prices of wheat, corn and pork much better this year Governor?" "Homewhat better, owing to the expansion of the currency by the remonetization of silvar and the law declaring the legal tenders noeivable for custom duties. The farmer should, however, with the short crops over most of Europe except Russia, be receiving two dollars instead of one per bushel for his wheat, and fourteen dollars instead of seven for his pork.

and a dollar a bushel for his corn instead of forty cents. He could then pay better wages to his help. As Solon Chase SAV4, 'the money kings have legislated so as to crowd forty pounds of pork into the Are we not having a general revival of Governor: 1 3 3 not call it a revival. The great West j- Here of goods, and the merchants here from West are baying small lots and complain of the warcity of money. There is a great lemand for iron to build iron buildings and new rods in the far West, where emigrants are pouring in.

"Do vou think that General Ewing will certainly be elected?" beyond a doubt. I cannot sue how it can be otherwise. The farmers and laboring classes in Ohio see that the defeat of Ewing, the great Greenbacker of the West, would be a severe blow to the labor and farming interests. They feel that they must Vote for Ewing to protect their OWn interests. The defeat of Ewing would result in A renewed agitation for the completo retirement of all the greenpacks.

Already the Erening Post here in New York demands that they shall be retired and destroyed. Let thein beware of pressing the people too hard, for I believe that the people will gut half the banks in Wall street before they will permit the first legal tender to destroyed. Great Gol, sir! what a land of milk and honey this woull be if we had a greenback per capita circalation of sixty dollars instead of ten! The farmers of Ohio, the most intelligent class of people in this country, this, and when election day come. I tell you the sturdy yeomanry of the backwoods wit poll a vote for General Ewing, the great champion of 14 cheap currency as opposed to the dollar of the gold lords, that will confound John Sherman and all the bank rings, syudicate makers and bondbolding drones who curse the land." The Governor next spoke of the recent speech of Senator P'endleton at Edenton and pronounced it a masterly effort. lie particuTarly admired that portion which states that nation is demand of the statesmanship of every to produce a currency which will maintain its value and volume at home notwithstanding the political or commercial convulsions of foreign nations -which shall susthin duets home industries and exchange their pronotwithstanding wars and rumors of war'S.

The greenback was an effort in that direction. The Ohio idea is to continue our efforts until "this demand which industry makes on scientific statesmanship shall be fully satisfied." With this I close my letter. EUGENE BEEBE. TOWN AND COUNTRY LETTERS. 1'The elitors disclaim responsibility for the opinions of contributors, whether their articles are signed or anonymous.

From P'lymouth. EDiToRs PLAIN 800 by yesterday's Leader that the lion. S. S. Bloom did not givens a speech here.

Well, the facts of the matter is that we did not know that Mr. Bloom was to speak to us or we would hav: had it advertised so, and ho would have Lind as good an audienco as our Republican not brethorn had at their meeting here. It was the Democrats are not awake bec. bore that Mr. Bloom did not speak.

It was we did not know he was coming. I the of several men that have voted the Republican ticket heretofore that are If going every vote for Ewing and Rice this fall. We will section of Ohio will do us well as Rice, they do will for the election be of Ewing and ing majority. elected by an overwhelmPLYMOUTH, Oct. 1.

H. S. V. EDITORS That West Virginia Soldier? (liar) of PLAIN Leader ago published your city a few days purport of editorial and "extract" the an among which was to excite the Federal soldiery of the North-in prejudice that a certain soldier of the loyal state of West Virginia had been imprisoned for AN offense committed during the late war of tho states, whilo in the dischargo of his duty as loyal defender. I attended an indignation mecting of my: contender an Thursday old and evening tried and veteran found should blood mustor without the bust evidence of factsand that, too, when it concerned a state in the North whose loyalty to the Union cause has for the first time over been questioned, and now only by a pandering speculator on the blood of the truest loyalists of the American Union.

Does not that editor know it is far safer to travel in West Virginia with your political views than in many states further North! Does ho not know that West Virginia gave majority of about 30,000 for vote much larger (as 1 know) than she was entitled to? Is she now disloyal, or was she during the war in failing to vote secession and instead sending to the federal front more than her own strength to whip back her wayward children? Can that linen collar-soldier editor give his readers the slightest reasons for his. advocacy of sectional prejudice in the North? The substance of that editorial is a lie, and no brave man would be its author. I was for two years a Sherman "bummer" and since the war have had my uninterrupted argument in the South wherever we had been. have traveled throughout own state and never been the least backward in my hot speech against their wrong-doing, and found all the Leader's "bushwhackers" true and loyal Republicans, the courts all controlled by men of unbiased minds, and the "bloody shirt" unknown. Stop your blathering idiocy -we as old soldiers want that "peace and good will to all men" we took the bloody contract to secure.

WEST VIRGINIA VETERAN. CLEVELAND, Oct. 1 11. Stop That Story, Little Peter's Effort in the Third Ward. EDITORS PLAIN attended the meeting of the Republicans of the Third ward, held at 96 Bank street last night.

There were present about forty persons, ten or twelve of whom were not Republicans to my own knowledge. Judge Young, the speaker selected by the committee, the notorious Jim Reilly and Bob Sullivan spoke, or rather attempted to speak. The Judge is a good friend to Jim Reilly and Bob and to men of their class. Well, the Judge said he left the "Demmys" because of a conscientious feeling he had-that-that-well, they would not give him the nomination for Probate Judge next time. and then the nomination for Congress thereafter, although he was told by prominent Democrats that it he "stuck" that he'll get those nominations, Well, now the Republicans call see what.

2. martyr he has made of himself to their cause. The Judge is immaculate. Everything he does is for the benefit of his country. The noble Judge did not tell how many times he has made a martyr of himself by getting up out of bed at all hours to "let out" for a "small thing." say the costs, certain ward bums whilst friendless poor cusses had to suffer illegally.

He said he was in the IVAH and at one tire he was Provost Marshal (a nice job by the way--just what the Judge would be likely to get for the benetit of his whole country Whilst acting as such he had charge of the spies, mules and other things. Well, as there was one colored man at the Third ward mass meeting he thought ha'd give him "tatty" so he told the meeting the white men under him "as a rule was in variably drunken, lazy loafers, and too cowardly to undertake to perform his orders, whilst the gallant colored man was brave and, unlike the Judge, self-sacrificing and always performed his duty cheerfully." He said Stephen Bubrer whilst in office put nine Irishmen to work whilst he gave only one German a Charley Schellentrager caught his share too -but such a sickly, rambling, ungentlemanly speech no. man ever listened to as his "Honah" made. Several Republicans were positively disgusted. Whilst speaking a member of the police had a little "favor" for him to do which the genial Judge did.

A warlike fellow called a Captain, named Hobday or some such name, spoke after him, but he rot 80 excited in calling down the maledictions of Heaven if he was telling any lies that he got mixed up and did not adhere to the truth very faithfully. He said at a political election in Baltimore, in 1872, twenty -nine colored and seven whites were shot, and himself (pity he did not then die for his country) was among them, He lost $100,000 by his being a Republican then. Well, in 1874, in Baltimore, he said seventysix men were shot. Such villainous lying I never heard. General Barnett looked a little ashamed to be compelled to listen to such crazy, lying, bigoted remarks.

This Trojan appealed to the god of battles to again go down to the South and die for his country or make $100,000, as he claims he made in less than four years-mules were cheap then, especially government mules. The meeting was a Republican one, however, and Demo crats and Greenbackers present smiled.complacently at the absurd theories propounded by Jim Reilley's and Bob Sullivan's speakers. Yours, A GREENBACKER. Some of the German Republicans are not desire to elected Treasurer. Mr.

circulating a story, that Dr. Bubrer does Buhrer did not ask the Democrats to DoIn- inate him but after they had placed him on the ticket, unsolicitedly, he concluded to run and desires to be elected. Mr. Buhrer's friends must not put any reliance in the stories put afloat by the "ring." If elected he will honestly care for the public moneys, will give personal attention to the oflice and will administer it satisfactorily. It would be a good thing to have 8 German Treasurer, SO that matters of taxation; could be explained to the many German citizens of this county.

The Republicans 8 are alarmed for fear that 'Buhrer's great popularity wilt get him a large number of votes of men who are opposed to the long rule the Court House clique. A Fire Engine Capsized. responding to a false alarm of fire on Friday evening steam fire engine No. 2 capsized near the Lake Shore freight depot in consequence of a wheel getting into a rut. Engineer Murphy and stoker Jones were thrown violently to the ground.

Mr. Murphy was so badly (though not dangerously) injured that he wag sent to his home oll Academy street and a physician was called. The suction of the engine fell across his legs. Mr. Jones was considera bly battered about the head.

The driver was unhurt. The principal damage to the engine is the denting of the dome. The engine ran out of the house in consequence of a boy reporting that the Lake Shore freight depot was on fire. Frye at Youngstown. Frye, of Maine, was at Youngstown Thursday night and was interviewed as to the presidency.

lIe said the East would unquestionably support Blaine and the West, Grant: "Will convention there be other candidates before the aside from Blaine and Grant?" "No, I think not. I do not believe there will be scarcely any balloting and no dividing up and scattering of votes as there has been heretofore. The convention will be a unit on either Blaine or Grant." "What are John Sherman's chances in the presidential race?" "None whatever; in fact Sherman has an eye on the United States Senate and is ullquestionably shaping matters in that direction." Of course Mr. Carran would never--or hardly ever--support John Sherman. IIe is pledged to vote for "first, last and all the time," and he never, or hardly ever, goes back on any party.

The Rape of the Locks. Late Friday afternoon the defense in the case of Maggie Thomas, charged with practicing tricks and devices with intent to swindle, concluded their testimony and the arguments were begun. Messrs. Breckenridge and Hurlbut, counsel for the prose cution, spoke for an hour and a half and Mr. Loren Prentiss argued for an hour in behalf defendant.

Owing to the lateness of the hour, the Judge reserved his charge to the jury until to-day. TILE "BRIDGE AN OLD REPUBLICAN SPEAKS. What the "Leader" Has Said About T. J. Carran-How it Denounced Him-: Republicans "Going Back" 011 Oarrani by.

Scores. EDITORS PLAIN DEALER: -Will you givo this article a place in your paper? 'F 'should have scut it to the Leader, but I knew it would not appear in that paper, although the editor knows mo-knows that I havo been a reader of his paper and a Republican ever since the organization of that party. During Mr. Carran's torm of oflice as City Attorney, his character, as represented by the Leader, corresponded so perfectly with the opinion I entertained of him, growing out of his individual transactions, as to satisfy me that I had not been mistaken in my estimate of the man. Among the things said of Mr.

Carran by the Leader by a reference to its columns be, found the tollowing complimentary notice of him. In speaking of him the Leader characterized him as "the careless and shiftless City Attorney," and spoke of "the carelessness and inefficiency which marked the 'administration of Mr. Carran." "An officer whose eflicial conduct has been so open to attack as that of Mr. Carran for the past two years, notonly in regard to competency and eciency but also other things." What the other things were the Leader did not deem it necessary to publish. That paper expressed the sentiment which I then elldorsed as I do the man who regarded his word and honor of no account or importance, is not one.

to be trusted with the important office of City Solicitor, as he who is regardless of his personal honor is as a rule regardless of honesty, and that it is for the people of Cleveland to say whether they will continue in office such a mass of shiftlessness and incompetency like Mr. Carran." And the Leader said further that "the present ineflicient and careless City Attorney, T. J. Carran, who by his gross inuttention to his duty came near involving the city in hundreds and thousands of dollars damages." Now Mr. Editor I am appealed to by the Leader and asked to support for Senator the identical person whom that paper held up in such an unenviable light.

I must, however, decline to do so, as my opinions touching his official and personal qualifications and characteristics, which then accorded so perfectly with that paper, have undergone 110 change since that time, but only confirmed by a more careful and studied observation of that individual. ft. It is surprising to me, as I doubt not it is to thousands, that the simple act of leaving one party and going into another, especially when the motive is so apparent, would at once transform an incompetent and dishonest man into one both competent and honest. I can appreciate the embarrassing necessities which impel a party organ to nominally sustain an entire party ticket while privately abhoring some portions of it, but I confess to surprise and disappointment that a paper SO ably conducted, and which has at times risen above caucus dictation, should in this instance, of all others, go back oll its record, its known private sentiments and its public teachings, and commend Thomas J. Carran as worthy of public confidence and the support of honest men for the honorable position of State Senator.

The necessity of tho Republican party in this county does not call for the prostitution of the office of Senator. The merchants, manufacturers and business men of the city and the farmers of the townships are abundaut who would lend grace and dignity to the place. The learned professions are full of accomplished Republicans, whose acknowledged talents and known integrity suggest their fitnesss for such honors as often as it is neccessary to make a draft for public service. Every street in the city can furnish a score of able, honest and efficient Republicans worthy of the public confidence and the position. The Republicans of this county call look back with pride for a generation over its list of Senators, embracing, among other honored nuines, Moses Kelley, F.

I. Backus, Dr. J. P. Robison, Samuel Williamson, William Bingham, Dr.

Streator, Dr. Schenek and Dr. Curtiss. And now shail the proud old Republican party take a new departure with such a senatorial candidate and such a character as the Leuder so graphically and so truthfully described in its columns only a short time ago? It would seem like a travesty written on the memory of Moses Kelley, and a farce enacted on the character and public services of Samuel Williamson. I claim for the people of this county not only fidelity to principle, but so high a regard for honest men and eminent citizenship that even Democrats possessing high personal qualities have in days gone by inspired public confidence, and names as Harvey Rice, IL.

B. Payne, Samuel Starkweather, James D. Cleveland Judge Coffinberry have received handsome majorities in this Republican county. As render of the Leader for a quarter of century, I have a feeling akin to regret that I cannot follow it in sustaining the entire Re. publican ticket.

Towards the writer and hundreds of others in the coming election the Leader will have occasion to exercise its broadest charity when it remembers its dence structions that in the the past. senatorial We have nominee not has the been evireconstructed nature within the last few years. We regard him as the same yesterday, to-day and to morrow. Ie cam nO more be the reverse of what he was when the Leader characterized him than the Ethiopean can change his skin or the leopard his spots. If the oflicial and personal qualities ascribed to him by the Leader are by it regarded as among the essential qualifications for public service, then I confess that Thomas J.

Carran "'is admirably qualified for the position by 8 happy combination of defects, natural and acquired." A REPURLICAN SIXTIE WARD. CUYAHOGA'S CANVASS: News From All Along the Line. We have the bulge ou the Republicans now, and will keep it. We don't believe that Brinsmade will he Adjutant General, even if Foster is elected. The Greenbackers of Cuyahoga county have most gencrally concluded that they will vote for Ewing and Rice.

LOST--the Poster "boom." Anybody finding it will please report to the PapSuckers' Club. Good advice to certain candidates: "The man who gets the best of pokerplaying is the man who does not play." Chandler, at Akron, commenced his speech: "Fellow citizens of 0-ld rye" instead of Ohio. Charley Foster is invited to attend, as 11 looker on, the inauguration of General Ewing, next January. Post Master General Key will regret to learn that some of his Cleveland letter carriers are cursing him as a 'd-d old rebel." Bill Robison blew his bazoo at the West Side Republican mecting on Friday evening. Bill is Heavy on the bazoo.

It is supposed that the Voice will again hold up, to-morrow, that eminent Republican leader "Sile" Merchant to the public gaze. "Silo" does not like Hodge's boom. The uncommon pressure upon our colunns to day compels us to omit reports of several Democratic and Republican meetings held on Friday evening. The First ward Republican "large and enthusiastic" meeting on Friday evening over Ross' butcher shop was attended by twelve white and two colored men. Take Zach Chandler on the Public Squaro las the Leader designs upon the life of the great Stalwart? Where are the police? Figuratively speaking, "Sile" Merchant is the man who is holding "Technical Republican Carran" up for Republican votes.

What axe has "Sile" now to grind with Tom? Judge of this city, will address the Democracy of North Amherst, in the German language, on Monday eve. ning, October 6th. The boom against Tom Carran is plainly to be seen in the Republican ranks. True Republicans doubt his sincerity--knowing that he turned his coat because he wasn't nominated by Democrats on demand. Any employer who threatens to withhold or reduce wages or to discharge a laborer or refuses time for him to vote is punishable under the Seitz law.

Election day is coming and the Republican bummers, hot from the rooms of the Pap-Suckers' League, are raiding all the saloons and beginning to feel very important. Young said to the Third warders Friday night that once he was Provost Marshal in Florida and that the colored men he had under him were "more faithful than the Union soldiers." A Ewing and Rice Club was organized in the Fifteenth ward on Friday evening. It will meet on Tuesday evening in the Woodland avenue Wigwam. The of the Fifteenth are getting themselves into good shape for the election. Mr.

Chapman spoke at Bob Sullivan's night. Third ward The Leader Republican refers meeting to him on us Friday "the first speaker" without mentioning his name at all and the Ileruld prints his name wrong. The meeting announced for Saturday evening in the Eighteenth ward has been postponed until next Tuesday evening, at which time lIon. J. M.

Poe and Councilman Thomas Reilley will address the Democracy of the Tron Ward. "enthusiasm" for the Union Repub. lican League meeting at No. 307 Pearl street Friday evening was furnished by thirty -five people, was the size of the crowd. The Mayor's Clerk thinks the Republican legislative ticket is not safe and he urges the Radicals to look out for it.

The Mayor's Clerk has been through one siege of threatened reorganization and he doesn't want another. Young said in his speech to Bol, Sullivan's Third warders last night that he (Young) does not want the Republicans to nominate him for Probate Judge. will be remembered that Peter Young went so far as to publish a card that not want to be nominated for Police Ju The Herald, in speaking of Bob Sullivan's Third ward Republican last night, says: "Quite a number prominent men were present, among whom were Captain John Rezner, Captain John F. Kennedy, Messrs. J.

IT. Loomis, Charles' Eilard." Senator Bruce, like many other fond papas, has learned the unwisdom of naming babies after living men. Is son, born before the Canonchet eruption, is named Roscoc Conkling Bruce. The father is sorely troubled in his mind but will let the name stick until the sponsor makes a confession. There has been a wonderful change of sentiment in Cuyahoga county during the past three weeks.

The tables have been turned and it is now the Democrats who are jubilant and the Republicans depressed. The latter have discovered that the Germans are going to vote for Buhrer, Poe, Schellentrager and Hutchins. The First Ward Republican Club has stuck a piece of cloth out in front of its headquarters with the names of all the Republican candidates on it and a postscript at the bottom "'Give us a U. S. Senator." The boys ought at least to have politeness enough to say Please give us" etc.

lowever, the Democrats will elect 8 Senator without it. According to the Leader, Mayor's Clerk Sherwood in his specch Friday evening to thirty-five West Side Republicans called the Union Republican League, "discussed the question of the states being a Union and said this was one of the great issues of the present time." We refer to this to show that Mr. Sherwood either is a hopeless political idiot or else thinks the people of Cleveland are. Old Zach Chandler was the head devil of the great conspiracy by which Tilden and Hendricks were cheated out of their oflices. lIe glories in the theft, although he denounced Charley Foster and Hayes for seating Nicholls.

If you want to see the embodiment of Republican rascality, take a peep at Old Zach and keep hand on your pocketbook while looking at him. The First Ward Republican Club held a business meeting at its new rooms on Ontario street last evening, Mr. Silas Merchant presiding. -Leader. A handful of Bob Sullivan's Third ward Republican Club met Friday evening in a garret on Bank street and listened to Pete Young.

The Leader says the mecting "augurs well." So the Republicans have found out already that Young is an auger, -that is, a bore. A. small number straggled into the graveyard around the old church at Collamer while the air was permeated with Carran and listened to Henry McKinney and C. M. Stone attempt to show the imaginary wrongs committed by the Democrats on the Republican voters while the administration was thoroughly Republican.

The mecting was a fizzle. It waS composed mostly of boys, only about fifteen or twenty voters being present. To night "Mizzer" Zach Chandler will wave the "bloody shirt" on the Square. The war having been over for fifteen years, "Old- Zach" will shake up the skeletons and kick around the bones of the dead. Ie will blow his bazoo for Charley Foster, who, hike himself, staid at home when Ewing and Rice were fighting.

Ile will call Foster a patriot, and denounce Ewing and Rice as "rebels." 'The old fellow can't fool anybody by his talk, any more than he can make people believe that "Mizzer" 'Chandler is a fit person to lead a temperance boom in the Tabernacle. Chapman told the Third warders that if the Democrats get control of the govern ment they will pay $209,000,000 of Southern claims. But Chapman says "'we (Republicans) won't have it; we will meet them with the bayonet." It is surprising that 11 man of Mr. Chapman's supposed intelligence could have the hardihood to make such a statement when he knows that Republican Congresses paid millions on millions of dollars ot Southern claims but a Democratic Congress put a stop forever upon the payment of any more. At an enthusiastic meeting held at Dabler's Hall, October 3d, all necessary arrangements were made and proper committees appointed to report to an adjourned meeting to be held at the same hall on Monday evening, for the purpose of arranging 1 grand turn-out on Wednesday evening to attend the mass meeting and reception of lIon.

Thomas Ewing in Monumental Park. Let every West Side Democrat tend the meeting Monday evening at Dahler's Hall. Good speakers will be in attendance. Ion. Joseph M.

Poe and W. B. lillman, addressed an audience of nearly three hundred people at Solon last evening. It was the largest meeting of the campaign at that point and the great interest shown was highly gratifying not only to the speak ers but all Democrats in the vicinity. Mr.

Poe's reference to the tax question was listened to with a deep interest and Solon may be expected to contribute materially to Mr. P'oe's majority. The speech of Mr. Hillman was heartily received here as elsewhere. Solon is wide awake and will do noble work for the soldier ticket a iveck from next Tuesday.

FROM THE STATE CAPITAL. POLITICAL NEWS OF INTEREST, OT. The Blaine Boom Boometh No More -A Monster Fizzle -President Elect Tilden Coming to Ohio- General NewsIntelligence From Abroad. By Telegraph-Three O'Clock Edition; Special to the PLAIN DEALER. BLAINE BOOM BUSTED.

COLUMBUS, Oct. 4. -The Blaine boom, which began at Canton with such immense eclat, wound up at the state capital Thursday evening with an audience not exceeding 300 people -the worst fizzle of the entire campaign. It seems that a meeting had been arranged for the distinguished Senator at the North End, but he was so tired and disappointed with his meeting at Kenton that he absolutely refused to attend the meeting arranged for him, saying that "if the people wanted to see him they could come to the Neil House (over a mile from the place which bad been agreed upon for the meeting). The disappointed Republican leaders accordingly marched a band down street and some three or four hundred people gathered in front of the Neil House, some few shouting for Blaine.

When he was finally brought out he mounted into an express wagon and commenced his same old tirade against the Democratic party. His appearance and his oratory were both a great disappointment to the crowd. There are hundreds of speakers in Ohio who could have pleased the audience better than and for a long time it was almost impossible to persuade those, who were listening to him that this was the distinguished Senator from Maine. Blaine has grown corpulent and grey, and while shaking his fists at imaginary foes last night his appearance reminded many of chip caricature of Boss Tweed, which formerly appeared in Harper's Weekly. It only lacks the diamond ond shirt stud to complete the picture.

The performance was about equal to that of a fifth rate clown of an itingrant circus, and some among the audience, even after he had spoken some time, shouted Take him away and give us Blaine," showg how much difference there was between the Blaine of their imagination and the Blaine of reality. About half past eleven, after the crowd had dispersed, the "great Senator," linked arm in arm with a local celebrity, named Luther Donaldson, a national banker, marched over to the dance of the famous colored Palmer Guards, being held in the aty Hall. Taken all around Blaine's visit the state capital is the worst blow the Republicans have received in this campaign. The Democrats are very enthusiastic over it, and say that if Blaine will only continue in the state he will. largely increase Ewing's majority whether he repeats his famous Belluire remark, "Vote for the Inen who fought for you," or not.

The Fostoria meeting for General Ewing has also combined to knock the Blaine boom "sky-high," and the gallant soldier boys have now a clear field from this until the day of election. AN "INNER CONSCIOUSNESS." Tho secret of John Sherman's and DeColyer Garfield's sudden retirement from the canvasa has just leaked out. It seeins that some two or three weeks ago when the Republican Committee was debating over the importation of Blaine into Ohio the friends of Messrs. test against any such action, fearing that it Sherman and Garfield cha put in a positive profavorably to Blaine's presilential ambition. Mr.

Foster's friends, how. ever, deemed it necessary to take some measures to start a boom in his favor and they thought that Blaine would do it. How miserably Blaine has failed his meeting Thursday night is good evidence: but that the bringing of Mr. Blaine into Ohio had the effect of driving John Sherman and Garfield out of the state there is no longer a It inay be that now that the Blaine boom is bursted and his effectiveness on the stump materially injured by the fiasco at the capital that an effort will be made to resurrect Sherman and Garfield. But, as a prominent member of the Republican State Central Committee said last night, "it is 10 use; the jig's up." ON THE STUMP.

It is good news to learn that llon. Lewis Miller, of Akron, the Democratic-Greenback candidate for Congressman against Monroe last fall, has taken the stump to make au active canvass for Ewing and Rice. He will speak at Canton on Saturday evening before election. In a recent speech at Akron he said: "The Republicans of this town have bulldozed the workingmen long enough. When I was running for Congress last fall, men were threatened with discharge if they voted for mo.

I want it distinctly understood the day for this kind of work has gone by; and hereby pledge myself that if any. man loses his situation by reason of voting or working for the cloction of General Ewing, I will pay his wages until he gets another place." Mr. Miller generally means what he says, and his large interests in the manufacturing industries in Akron and Canton cannot fail to make his influence important. THE PRESIDENT COMING. Information has been received at Columbus which leads to the belief that Hon.

Samuel J. Tilden, P'rosident elect of the United States, will come into Ohio before the close of the present political canvass. His coming would certainly be welcomed by the people and he would receive an ovation such as the fraud of the White House has never received. EPH. HOLLAND'S WORK.

Positive information has been received here that tho Republicans have made arrangements to import voters from Philadelphia to Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati and Toledo. It is understood that the celebrated Eph. Holland is manager of the scheme. The Democratic Committee has posted detectives at all the depots into Ohio, 1 to spot every repeater. Under the Seitz and other laws, they are apt to get a hard racket.

APPOINTMENTS. The following new appointments have been made: The appointments for Senator Wallace and Hon. D. S. Gooding on October Sth have been changed from Elyria to Coldwell.

'The appointment of Hon. D. S. Gooding for October 11th is changed from Mt. Gilead to Upper Sandusky.

The inceting for Hon. Samual J. Randall on October 11th has been changed from Toledo to Columbus. Lewis Miller, of Akron, to Canton October 11th. From Chardon.

Special to the PLAIN DEALER. CHARDON, Geauga Oct. county has been thoroughly filled by the Republicans; for the great meeting of the callpaign. A prize flag was offered to the township sending the largest delegation. Zach Chandler and General Beatty are to do the speaking.

Although the day was one of the finest of the season there has not been to excoed one thousand present. It may be called a failure, taking into consideration the extraordinary efforts to get the people out to hear the Republican elephant. Zach's speech has disgusted the conservative Republicans and Nationals. His speech ill bocame the dignity of a United States Senator but compared favorably with the stale jokes of a circus clown. From Westerville.

Special to the PLAIN DEALER. WESTERVILLE, Oct. Foster hell forth here yesterday, and while denouncing the "Yazoo" business in bitter terms, he never said a word of denuciation of the blowing up of Corbin's saloon in this city by the temperance fanatics. On the other band, Gibson, the temperance orator, who spoke with him chuckled over the blowing up of the "rum hole." Both of them were conspicuously toudied by the Westerville crusaders. L.

VIENNA, October breach be: tween Austria and Russia is widening daily. MADRID, October telegram from Renssignan states that all rumors of a Republican conspiracy on the frontier are utterly unfounded. DUBLIN, October son of an evicted tenant has been arrested, suspected of being engaged in an attack by a party of dis-. guised men, near Castlebar, on the agents of the Marquis of Sligo. LONDON, October 4.

-The Sporting Journul says that lIanlan, in to England again, makes a great sacrifice and should be guaranteed adequate recompense. QUEBEC, Oct. renewal of the trouble among the ship laborers in New Liverpool is apprehended. While a party Foreign Notes. BUCHAREST, October drought continues and the country is in a fearful state.

of their French boarding Canadians house, were they sitting in assailed front were by. a volley of stones, followed quickly by a took her the hills and escaped. number of pistol shots. The Frenchmen VIENNA, Oct. is reason to believe that negotiations are pending between the powers for a speedy settlement of the.

Greek question. CRACOW, Oct. fiftieth anniverof, Joseph Ignatius Kraszewski, a Polish sary of the publication of the first work author and poet was celebrated on Friday, numerous addresses and valuable presents were sent him from America, France, England and Turkey. A Terrible Accident. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct.

Bodie dispatch says: "As the six o'clock shaft was being lowered in the Tioga Mine with nine men on board, the engine escaped the control of the engineer and it went down to the five hundred foot level. One man is now dead and all are injured in such a manner as to warrant the belief that they will not recover." LATER--The men injured by the accident at Tioga are John Cassidy, both legs broken; Pat. Bannon, dying, mashed to pieces; Sam Marsten, both legs broken and dying: French, both legs broken; Manuel Alvars, injured internally; Harry Richards, killed; Joe Roderick, injured seriously; Pete Pluff, one leg broken. It is the opinion of the physician in charge that all the injured will die. The Miners' Union Hall is the place of mourning again and bears a resemblance to the time of the Standard explosion.

The Charges Against Senator lugalls. TOPEKA, Oct. -The sub- committee examining charges against Senator Ingalls pushing the investigation as rapidly as possible. A number of witnesses were examined to-day, but there were no developments indicating the result. At the evening session L.

P. Hamilton, who was for the memorialists and discharged without examination, filed paper deuying the allegations in the incmorial, and denouncing in strong terms the signers of it. luspectors to be Appointed. NEW YORK, Oct. Supreme Court in extraordinary session has ordered the Police Board to appoint one Tammany inspector in each election district.

CITY AND GENERAL. The barnyard turkey begins to count the days between this and Thanksgiving Day. rested Seventeen Friday for South allowing Side cattle butchers and were swine arto run upon the sidewalks. The merchant police made fifteen arrests last month. During September, the detectives made eleven arrests and recovered $321.75 worth of stolen property property.

The body of Charles Beeley, drowned in the river Thursday night, was recovered ou Friday. The Cleveland Yachting Association will hold its regular monthly meeting this (Saturday) evening. Parker Pillsbury will address the Spiritualists on Sunday morning and evening in Halle's Hall. A large number of Clevelanders have visited Cincinnati this week to attend the Exposition. The regular monthly inspection of the police force will take place next Monday A two years old child of Henry Wasserman, of No.

125 Detroit street, fell from a second story window on Friday but suStained no severe injury. The Alumni Association of the Cleve land Normal School had an exceedingly pleasant party on Friday evening as a reception to the class of 1879. The officers of West Cleveland Division, Sons of Temperance, will be publicly installed this (Saturday) evening at No. 2824 Lorain street. Company Fifteenth Regiment, will meet on Monday evening to elect a First Lieutenant in place of Lieutenant Morrow, resigned because he will leave the city.

The foot race which was to have been run at the fair grounds yesterday between employes of W. P. Southworth Co. was broken tip by some disagreement. The Cleveland Prohibition Alliance will hold a temperance mecting, at three o'clock Sunday afternoon at the corner of Lorain and Pearl streets.

The United States steamer Michigan, "the only representative of our navy upon the lakes," arrived port Friday afternoon from Toledo. She is here to recruit boys between the ages of fiftcen and eighteen years for the navy. The schooner Union is being remodeled for a floating bethel. When finished its station will be near the Viaduct, but it will be towed from time to time among fleets in the harbor. nounces that a special reunion of evangeliThe Rev.

0. D. Fisher, Secretary, one cal ministers will be held next Monday morning at the Young Men's Christian Association rooms. Fifty-two deaths, of which twenty seven were of adults and twenty-five of minors, occurred in this city this week up to Saturday noon. During the corresponding week last year seventy-four deaths were reported.

Coroner Isom deemed an inquest unnecessary in the case of William Clark and John Krause, who were drowned on Friday while attempting to cross the river on a raft, as he believed the drowning to have been accidental. The Moody and Sankey meetings will begin in the Ontario Street Tabernacle tomorrow (Sunday). The first service will be held in the afternoon, beginning at three o'clock. Messrs. Moody and Saukey have arrived.

The business of the long established firm of I. B. Tuttle Co. (iron ore and pig iron), Cleveland, dissolved by the deceasc of Mr. II.

B. Tuttle, is being continued by Mr. George II. Ely and Mr. Theodore Sim.

mons under the style of George If. Ely Co. All persons holding tickets of admission to the choir gallery at the Tabernacle are requested to enter the building through the door leading into the ante-room in the alley way just off from St. Clair street. Singers are requested to be in their seats at half past seven o'clock.

'The Common Pleas Grand Jury has found indictments for grand larceny against Kate Boyle, Eliza Gardner, Jennie Jones and Della Ioward but failed to indict Jo seph Janonch, for manslaughter; TV. Thompson, for obtaining goods by false pretenses; John Berger, obtaining goods by false pretenses; Minnie Goodman, obtaining goods by false pretenses; and R. Cunning- ham, perjury. PERSONAL MENTION. Rev.

Joseph Cook, of Boston, is a guest at the Forest City House. Mr. Waring, of the Columbus Sunday Capital, is in the city for a brief visit. Captain Potts, of the United States steamer Michigan, and family, Mr. D.

Doody and General Garfield are at the Forest City House. Colonel and Mrs. Hosea Townsend and Mr. and Mra. 12.

V. Vredenburgh, of MomI phis, are at the Weddell House, A HAPPENINGS OF THE HOUR. NEWS AT HOMIE AND ABROAD. Important Russian Mission to Berlin- -Jerome Park Races--Another Manhattan Bond Recovered -Release of Captain Metzgar. By Telegraph-Four O'Clock Edition.

MEMPHIIS, Oct. -One new case was reported to the Board of Julia Shelton. Five deaths have occurredW. tP. Hiesiand, Nicoletta Jacobi, Linda Lockwood, Josie Garner, Anderson, the twolast colored.

Robert Johnson, at Old Sledge Place, two miles south of the city, and Mrs. Makey, 'on Kerr avenue, three miles southeast of the city, were stricken with the fever last evening. At four o'clock this morning a a dwelling and storehouse at freddestronad street, occupied by Leo Lehmann. Among the articles burned was a large, quantity of old rags, which had been gathered sinco the outbreak of the fever. The total loss is about insured for $2,000.

The weather continues very warm. 1 The Missing Balloonists. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. Charles E. Wise, son of the John Wise, believes no accident has happened his father and Mr.

Burr, basing his opinion on his knowledge of the couutry and his experience of thirty years in ballooning. He believes they descended during the night, and may still be found in the vicinity of Macoupin, Greene, Scott or Morgan counties, Illinois. The California Walkers. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. score at 11 p.

m. was Bazenham 114, Wilcox 175, Callahan 137, Merryfield 100, Thompson 131, California Boy 112, Udder 137, Chenowith 150, Murdock 153, Allen 150, Vance 153, McGuire 137, Matteson 1:20, Dunn 130, Wilson 141, Francois 128, Stewart 153, Harmon 118, Duplissen 140, Carmichael 160, Hadley 124, Santos 126, Scott 157, Read 139, Bowman 112, Lee 116, McLennon 151, Gurnon 100, Ferguson Wagner 77, Green 130, Berger 95, Brooks 133, McIntyre 156, Curtis 152, Meany 140, Dewey 135, and Evans 140 miles. BERLIN, October Russian oflicial Foreign Notes. charged with an important mission from the Emperor of Russia to the Emperor of Germany is expected shortly at Baden-Baden. Gold.

NEW YORK, Oct. to the amount of seven million dollars shipped from Europe is due here next week. Jerome Park Races. NEW YORK, Oct. is a large attendance at Jerome Park, the second day of the fall meeting.

The first race, one mile and a quarter, had ten starters, and was won by Warfield, Kingston socond, Boardman third. Time, 2:13. Released. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. private dispatch from Mazatlan to the agent of the steamer Newbern says: "Captain Metzgar was arrested on a charge of violating the Mexican custom regulation.

He has been released after having been imprisoned a little over a day." Another Manhattan Boud. PHILADELPHIA, man giving the name of J. Warren, of Wilmington, Delaware, was arrested to-day while attempting to sell a United States bond altered since stolen from the Manhattan Savings Institution, New York. THE COURTS. UNITED STATES COURTS.

Farmers' National Bank of Mansfield vs. S. B. Pricab, of District Court aflirmed. James Tierman, administrator, VS.

Pennsylvania for a new trial by defendant allowed. COMMON PLEAS COURT. Walburga Scheurer vs. Franz Scheurer et nl. -Verdict for the defendant.

John Harrison et al. vs. George Conover et. al. -Verdict of $100 for plaintiff.

Thomas Lewis, by etc. vs. Frederick A. Dane. -Verdict for plaintiff.

Mary Kain vs. Fred Schneider et al. -Decree for plaintiff. Jacob Weislogal, vs. Lansing E.

Powers et al. -Cross petition of Coggswell, dismissed. Loretta Mott VS. Silas Mott. -Divorce granted on the ground of gross neglect of duty.

POLICE COURT. Fast driving. -Andrew Scanlon, costs. Assault and battery. -George F.

Loibrook, costs. Grand larceny. -Sarah Bolton, bound over to the Common Pleas Court. Violating railroad -John Veny, House of Refuge and Correction. Carrying indecent model-T.

L. Martin. $50 and costs, $25 remitted. Interfering with poundkeeper-Herman Hayard, Fred Mester, Michael Keegan, costs. Violating pound ordinance -Patrick Green, Cornelius Coole and Louis Schriber, costs.

their adjournment at noon on Saturday made the following report: To Honorable Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga Grand Jury of the county at the present September term of the Court have visited the Jail of the county and examined its state and condition and inquired into the discipline and treatment of the prisoners, the habits, diet and accommodations, and beg leave to report that the rules prescribed by the Honorable Judges for the government of the jail have been faithfully kept and observed, and that none of the laws for the regulation of the jail have in any wanner been violated. We find that the prisoners are well supplied with wholesome well cooked food and in All abundant quantity. That the corridors and cells are clean and in good order, the whole interior of the large and complete jail attesting the care and tidelity with which the Sheriff and his deputies discharge the important trust committed to them. Wo take pleasure also in stating that the Prosecuting Attorney, Mr. J.

C. Hutchins, and his gentlemanly assistant, Mr. E. J. Blandin, have ably conducted the various examinations made and impartially rendered such instructions as required.

Also that the constable to the Grand Jury, Mr. J. A. Brown has been a faithful attendant during our sitting, discharging all his duties with courtesy and dispatch, and in fact that everything prevading the entire service is done with dispatch and faithful care. PETER HIGGINS, Foreman of the Grand Jury.

The Grand Jury in Jail. The Common Pleas Grand Jury before ROGUES' RECORD. Depredations Reported in and Near the City. Wangerien, of No. 545 St.

Clair street, reports that cutlery and other articles to the value of $24.15 were stolen from his store on Thursday night last. A uniform belouging to one of Captain Carey's Continental Guards, was recently stolen from No. 231 Garden street. Patrolman Bradley has recovered three velocipedes which were recently stolen from different places in the city. Three boys named John Renner, Fred Craig and Willie Limbrow have been arrested for stealing the velocipedes.

Detective Laubscher on Friday recovered a pair of shoes which were recently stolen from L. A. Wertheimer's shoe store, No. 122 Detroit street. Chandler and Beatty, Zach Chandler's gun is always loaded for bear and General John Beatty has a way of talking out in meeting.

-Clereland Herald. Zach's stomach is always filled with fusil oil and this is the way General Beatty speaks out in meeting. Ile said at Columbus: "Twenty thousand soldiers will scratch Foster. No effort can prevent this stampede, and no organization can further it. As at Mission Ridge, the boys will act without orders.

This same Republican Stalwart is making speeches to save the Legislature to the Republicans, but says he "don't give a damn for Charley Foster." Like Jim Blaine, he don't speak for Charley. Quelling a Disturbance. Patrolman O'Malley No. 3 on Tuesday evening came upon four go sailors who were having a sort of a fight near the Seneca street bridge. The oficer warned them to but they necded not his timely warning and the largest mariner of the quartette went for the blue coat.

The guardian of the peace grasped his "billy" more tightly and sailed in among the belligerent sailors. He laid out three them but the fourth, seized a big picce of timber and made defense. The captain of the craft to which the sailors belong made his appearance about this time and hoisted a flag of truce. A reconciliation followed and no arrests were made IN AND OUT-DOOR SPORTS. Turf, Field, Stream and Table.

BASE BALL. At Albany on Friday Providence defeated Albany by a score of 8 to 3. COLUMBUS RACES. COLUMBUs, October class, purse $000: Bay Fanny. 2 0 CO 1 1 1 2 2 Fashion 3 3 3 2 Billy 4 5 4 Good Morning 5 5 5 dist.

Time, 2:30, 2:2014, 2:32, 2:30, 2:28. Free-for-all, purse $800: Little Lucy. 02 1 0 1 Gipsey 3 2 02 1 3 3 3 3 3 Time, 2:25, Lewinski won the unfinished race of yes. terday. ST.

LOUIS, Oct. won the ST. LOUIS RACES. unfinished race of yesterday in three consecutive heats. Time, 2:81, 2:25, 2:274.

Fanny Robinson got second and Sucker Maid third money. The only other event to day was the 2:50 class, the 2:22 class being declared off at the request of the owners, they believing it could not be finished this evening and wished to be in Cincinnati to-morrow. Windsor P4 Don 29 Alexander 3 02 McGregor 4 8 Josephus 5 Douglass Forest 10 Baby Hally dist. Time, BOATING. TORONTO, Oct.

having been forestalled in his challenge to Wallace Ross by James IL. Riley, challenges the winner of the Ross- Riley contest to a two-mile race for $500 or $1,000 a side, on Silver Lake. Hosmer has closed with Frenchy Johnson for a three- race on Chautauqua do Lake, October 27th, for $250 a side. WEATHERWISE. Observations and Prognostications.

MORNING OBSERVATIONS. SIGNAL CORPS OFFICE, CLEVELAND, Oct. 4. The following is the result of the United States Signal Corps observations taken at 7:35 (Washington mean time) this morning: after a temporary huts fall, accompanied by deThe pressure risen in the Northwest cidedly higher temperature, generally southerly winds, from light to fresh, and clear or partly cloudy weather. In the Upper Mississippi Valley and Upper legion falling pressure, rapidly rising temperature, fresh to brisk southerly winds and clear weather.

Over the Lower Lake Region, rapidly rising pressure, falling followed by rising perature, northerly winds to southerly and generally clear weather, with some fog. The pressure is highest at Erie and Rochester (30.25) and lowest at North Platte (20.62). Gales are reported from Marquette. Temperature this moruing was follows: Cleveland, 49; Albany, Butfalo, 51; Chicago, 62; Detroit, 48; Grand Haven, 48; LaCrosse, 55; Milwaukee, 54; Pombina, 41; Port Huron, 50; Sandusky, 55; St. Paul, 53; Toledo, 52.

NOON PROGNOSTICATIONS. WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER, WASHINGTON, Out. 4 A. For the Lower Lake Region, clear weather, followed by increasing cloudiness, warmer southerly winds and lower barometer. Cautionary signals aro ordered for Grand Section 3, Milwaukee, Section 1, Escanaba, Marquette, Duluth and loughton.

AMUsem*nTS. OPERA HOUSE. The humorous and political drama of "Our Candidate" was the source of much merriment last evening. There is not much literary merit in it, but there is a large amount of fun to be found in many of the scenes. It will be played for the last time this evening.

Mr. Macauley will give us next week his inimitable representation of "Uncle Dan'l" in the play of "A Messenger From Jarvis Section," which was so highly enjoyed last seasoll. The New York Herald says: Mr. Macauley is one of the easiest actors in his line of business. Every movoment, utterance and pose is true to nature.

His face reHects the various emotions his words would portray, and better facial expressions could not be given. "Clip" shared the honors evenly with "Unele Dan'l," and though a character imbued with the slang impression of the day, the little Jady did not overstep the bounds of propriety. With the gentler sex she was a favorite, and she is always sure of a warm welcome being accorded her by the patrons of the stago. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Mr.

Milton Nobles gains in popularity the more he is known, as he is an actor of exceedingly good ability as well as an author that has shown that he can write a play as well as act it, the evidence beir.g in the two he has presented and "The Man of the People." The latter will be given at the matinee today, and the former this evening Monday evening the Scanlan and Cronin Combination will produce the Irish drama called "O'Neil," and for which new scenery has been painted, and it will be brought out in the best of style. The leading actors are known to be good, and the supporting company is highly spoken of by our exchanges, the Philadelphia Times saying the play "presents most effective fashion the variegated talonts of two clever Irish comedians, and faithfully depicts of the familiar lights and shadows of Irish character. Scanlan has the title role and makes a good piece of work of it, while Cronin essays a female part with an unction that delighted his audience." HERRMANN. This noted magician will soon be at the Opera House. The following story is told by a New Orleans paper: A dark-complexioned, foreign-looking gentleman of elegant exterior, fashionably dressed, sauntered into a barber's shop recently, and awaiting his turn, took off his coat, read the paper, at the same time smoking a cigarette.

Upon seating himself in the chair, he politely and cooly gave special directions to the tonsorial artist regarding a "close shave," and gracefully reclined his head in the usual way, leaving his throat and neck well exposed. The barber had lathered his face, and WAS honing his favorite razor at the shelf, when he heard a cry and upon turning around, imagine his horror at seeing the but young with gentlemau still seated in the chair a ghastly and deep cut across his throat and a razor in his hand. Paralyzed with fear, he threw up his hands and rushed to the door, stouting for "help!" "police!" "murder!" leaving the poor man in a sanguinary condition. Upon the police and crowd entering they saw no evidence of the alleged suicide, but the young foreigner buttoning on his collar unconcernedly. The barber stared and wondered but was disbelieved and the crowd followed the stranger up the street till ho entered the St.

Charles Hotel. Upon inquiring his name they found it was Hermann, the prestidigiteur. The Best and Most Sensible Underwear for this climate is tho Extra Heavy All Wool Scotch. Itis recommended by eminent physicians and always washes soft and does not shrink a particle. -Hermann Ablers 812 Euclid avenue, 1- tr La 1..

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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